free will meaning
- n. [u]
1 free choice; the power to make (moral) choices in life without being forced to
2 of your own free will voluntarily; without anyone forcing or ordering you (to do something): He signed this of his own free will.
Self-directing freedom and especially moral independence. An ethical principle holds that the autonomy of persons ought to be respected. (Bioethics Thesaurus)
- I came here of my own free will.
- I did it of my own free will.
- A free will and a will subject to moral laws are one and the same.
- Dr. johnson shunned tonight any discussion of the perplexed question of fate and free will.
- Does this robot move of its own free will
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- Since you won't go of your own free will, l'm firing you
- He put up half the cash . he came of his own free will
- The analysis reported free will mail through the post office
- Clients have free will in making investment decision
Other Languages
- "free will" meaning in Chinese: 自愿,自由意志;【哲学】自由意志论。
- "free will" meaning in Japanese: free will自由意志じゆういし任意にんい
- "free will" meaning in Russian: 1) свобода воли Ex: of one's own free will добровольно, по...
- "free will" meaning in French: n. libre volonté
What is the meaning of free will and how to define free will in English? free will meaning, what does free will mean in a sentence? free will meaning,free will definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by